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You may be no slouch in the writing department, and perhaps people have even mentioned that you have a way with words. So do you really need to hire a professional copywriter to write your website? The answer is yes! And here are 8 reasons why.

1. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

A lot of people don’t enjoy writing. They have flashbacks from high school and English 101 and red-inked papers. If writing isn’t your forte, hiring a copywriter can be a lifesaver. It doesn’t matter how great your services are if you can’t effectively communicate that to your audience. Every company needs to communicate their message, and that means you need a strong copywriter.

2. Hello trees, where’s the forest?

It happens to the best of us. We get bogged down in the day-to-day operations of our businesses and forget what it’s like to be an outsider looking in. Hiring a fresh set of eyes can reveal holes or assumptions in the knowledge of our potential customers. A copywriter has a trained eye to ‘see’ what your customers see and to write about it in a way that grabs attention and promotes action.

3. You’ve never written website copy before

You may be quite adept at writing newsletter updates, articles, letters and reports, and answering loads of questions. But reading online web copy is different than reading printed materials. You need an expert who can hook your audience with clever headlines, enticing subheadings, snappy bullet points and other tricks of the trade. When someone visits your site you have about eight seconds to grab their attention. A professional copywriter knows how to use these tactics and apply them with finesse to your web copy.

4. You want (and need) to bring cohesion to your marketing efforts but don’t know how

Having an outside set of eyes on your marketing is a great way to test if your message makes sense, and stays within your brand voice. It’s easy to shoot from the hip when you are on the inside working to make yourself known. A copywriter can help maximize your efforts by bringing a comprehensive and cohesive vibe to all your online and even print materials. It’s a great way to leverage your investment in marketing and increase your ROI.

5. SEO is a mystery to you

Search Engine Optimization can be a little intimidating at first. But a good copywriter wants to maximize your effectiveness on the web. A little keyword research is a great tool to bring to the table to maximize how your site performs in search results. Copywriters know to do this, and write your copy so that it not only looks good and sounds good, but also performs well.

6. You’re not sure how to capture the “voice” of your company

Writing for the web is casual in tone, almost like you’re sitting down and sharing a conversation over coffee with a friend. Sentences should be short and paragraphs limited to one thought for easy comprehension and for those people who like to skim. Good spelling and grammar are always important, and a pro will be able to integrate this all seamlessly.

7. Your call-to-action has to be compelling

A good website should provide the information your visitors are looking for, but the next part of the equation is getting your visitors to take action. That may mean you want them to subscribe to your newsletter, or email list, or place an order, or make a referral. A professional copywriter hones his or her writing skills to select the right words that inspire action.

8. You wanna stand out in the crowd

The best way to stand out in a crowded marketplace is to provide great content that is easy to read and understand. We’ve all been on websites that have been confusing, have bad grammar, and are often ugly. By having compelling, valuable content will inspire trust and set yourself apart as an authority in your space.

You know your message best. Even if you had a hard time articulating it, a well-trained copywriter can take your ideas and make them sing. You know your customer base and you know the little details that will make your services more appealing than the competition. Any copywriter worth their salt can bring frameworks and strategies to reel in your prospects through cohesive messaging and calls to action that scream “CLICK ME!”

If you’re ready to hire a copywriter, ‘cuz you ain’t got time for that…contact me at Let’s set up a time to chat!



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