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“Ok students, take out your pencils and a sheet a paper, today we’re having a pop quiz.”
Do those words still make your heart accelerate and your palms get sweaty?
Have no fear! The quiz I want to introduce you to is one that is not only fun but also an excellent tool to help generate leads, drive sales and grow your business.
I’m talking about an interactive online quiz.
You’ve probably taken a few, like what Disney princess are you? Or what is your spirit animal? Whatever the quiz, they can range from being just plain silly to actually providing helpful tools and insight.
Recently Interact (affiliate link) reached out to me and asked me if I would be interested in partnering with them and putting one of their quizzes on my website.
Since I was building my business and my brand, this was absolutely a win-win proposition for me!
Starting an online business and creating a site is a lot of work, and takes time. Having a way to capture emails is an important aspect of any business, and Interact gives your website visitors a fun and non-threatening reason to hand over their precious emails!
How to Make Your Quiz
The best part of working with Interact is how easy they make the entire process. With over 100 pre-built quizzes to choose from, the fun part is shopping for the quiz that matches your niche and your brand.
As a copywriter, I choose “What Kind of Content Creator Are You?”
Someone interested in learning their content creation superpower is someone who might also be interested in the products I provide.
The process was simple and there is freedom to customize your quiz to your brand and your audience. You can customize colors, fonts, pictures, and wording to stay true to the voice and vibe of your brand.
Within about 30 minutes, and with only a few clicks, my quiz was complete.
Unique Quiz Results
One of the aspects of Interact I really appreciate are the many outcomes of each quiz. This truly provides a valuable user experience that isn’t just a cookie cutter answer. The results are truly helpful!
My pre-built quiz had 6 possible outcomes. The possibilities range from Teacher to Content Rockstar. (TO find out more, take my quiz to find out your unique Content Creation style! :))
Personalize the Results with a Customized Email Sequence
Once your quiz is set up and integrated into your site, the real work begins.
I wanted to capitalize on the value of the quiz by writing custom email sequences to follow each result.
This actually took me a while to work through, but I do believe that it will yield better results long term. I studied each of the 6 outcomes and was able to put together a series of 3 emails that further explain some ways they can put their Content Creation style to good use. I’ve included ways to maximize their Content Creation “Superpower”, and ways to mitigate areas that aren’t as strong.
Once I had the template, it didn’t take long for me to complete all 18 emails. However, that was a project!
I would recommend that if you were to use a quiz for your site to consider building a follow-up email sequence. A customized series of emails can build trust with your audience and establish you as an expert in your niche.
If you are interested in seeing the power of a quiz for your business, I highly recommend Try Interact (please use my affiliate link if you’re gonna give it whirl)!
and P.S…if you do set up a quiz, I’d love to take it! Let me know dear reader how I can support you and your business.
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